Thursday, February 4, 2016

I can breath now

This morning I handed my sweet baby boy over like this,

He was doing so good. We were set to go back around 8 but like I said earlier, anesthesia was running late so this poor guy was so mad and cranky when he finally went back around 930. They made the first incision at 9:50 am and we finally got to see him at 9 pm. 

Now my sweet boy is all hooked up and plugged in to everything. 

They ended up not putting Colston back on bypass like my last post said. Dr. Ciccolo decided against it because he didn't want to put more stress on Colston's kidneys. They were able to patch up the left pulmonary artery. What this was doing was causing too much pressure in Colston's lungs. 

He is being closely monitored over the next few days to make sure that the eight hours today that he was on bypass did not affect his kidneys or anything else. So far, everything is looking great though. 

The numbers that they are looking for to determine if the lungs still have too much blood pressure are on the high side of normal range. If those numbers go up then Colston will have to go back to the cath lab to get another stent put in. 

That's all to update for now. Justin went back to the Ronald McDonald house and I am here with monster man. 

p.s. The bottom picture of Colston and future pictures of Colston with any wires attached will always have a water mark on them. 

New heart parents I encourage you to do this with pictures of your babies in the hospital too. There are so many horrible people out there that use pictures of babies in distress like this to make fake GoFund Me pages. It is absolutely appalling. 


  1. So glad it's done. Praying for a good recovery.

    My lo will have his first ohs in two weeks, idk how I'm going to handle this.

    Please lmk how feeding goes. My guy is ebf so I'm very worried about that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi rubber_duckie! I am praying that this first one goes well! Is he having the Hybrid or the Norwood? It is hard but your little guy will show you just how strong he is and you will draw strength from that.

    With Colston's first surgery, he had never gotten to eat before. He went straight to the NICU and was put on IV fluids (first ohs was at 2 days) so I pumped from the get go (stopped at 3 months and is now ff) He had a feeding tube put in and as soon as they allowed him to eat they starting him very slow with only 2mL and then went up from there as he tolerated it.

    This time, theyre putting in a feeding tube just in case but he will be able to start with a bottle of Pedialyte and they will see how he tolerates that then move up to formula.

    If you want to talk more, please feel free to e-mail me and I can answer any questions you have or even if you just need someone to talk to I am here to listen :)

    My e-mail is
