Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Well, we got Colston's next surgery scheduled. His heart cath is on January 21 and his surgery January 26. 

I can't believe we are already here. I can't believe he is 5 months old today. It seems like just yesterday I was 22 weeks pregnant and we just got told there was something wrong with his heart. 

This year has been so crazy, there are moments where I forgot Justin and I got married this year! It seems like an entire lifetime ago. 

It's a funny thing, you know. It feels so normal to say things like, "gosh I can't believe how big he's getting" or "I can't believe how old he is". It's little things like that that heart parents cherish because we didn't know if we would make it this far. 

We were given about a 75% chance that Colston would make it to his second surgery and here we are, just a few weeks away. He's gaining weight like crazy and hitting all of his milestones. Apparently he didn't get the memo when they said there's a decent chance he will be delayed. 

Part of me is obviously dreading his surgery and just wants time to stand still. The other part of me just wants to get it over with so I can have my perfect little boy back at home. 

The good thing about his next surgery is that the recovery time should be (knock on wood) much shorter than last time. Colston did however surprise everyone with how well he did last time too. We were told to expect to be there for at least 6 weeks and even after two cardiac arrests and going on the ventilator four times we were home in 4 1/2 weeks. 

The cardiac interventionalist said it's the stubborn ones that make it. I've never been so thankful for my stubbornness in all my life. 

Justin, Colston, and I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I last posted. I am so sorry! 
Life has been hectic this holiday season!

Colston had his first turkey day

 and he turned 4 months!

He now weighs 11 pounds. The cardiologist is very pleased with his weight gain. We now no longer have to worry about him not being big enough for his next surgery. 

Speaking of his next surgery,  I am waiting for the phone call from the doctor's in Las Vegas to schedule his next surgery for January. 

Part of me is completely dreading it (of course) but then another part of me just wants to get it done and over with.

His stent has been looking a little narrow the last couple of visits which the cardiologist said is to be expected because he is getting bigger. His oxygen sats have also gradually been getting lower every visit as well. Hopefully after his next surgery they even out. 

I have already packed away the clothes that don't fit Colston anymore, which are his preemie and newborn size clothes. It was so bittersweet. I am happy that he is growing but it is just too fast! The next thing we know he will be graduating high school!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We will update soon!