Monday, August 3, 2015

My 12 day old is way stronger than I am

I don't even know how to start this post.

I'll start writing something, and then I'll erase it. Then I will word it a different way, then erase it. So I'll just be blunt.

Colston went in for his heart cath procedure and almost died today. Or I guess did, I don't know the technicalities of cardiac arrest. 

The doctors were originally going to do a balloon dilation procedure where it looked narrow at the bottom of the stent. Once they got in there, they noticed the entire stent itself had shifted a couple millimeters and was causing obstruction.  There were obstructions in a couple other area's of his heart too. They called in the doctor that placed the stent because they weren't sure if they were going to have to reopen him and completely redo the Hybrid or not. 

They replaced the stent and then Colston went into cardiac arrest. They did chest compressions for five minutes and by the grace of God, Colston came back. The doctors said he came back strong. He got another blood transfusion also. 

The doctors don't expect this new stent to shift like the first one and they don't expect any secondary problems to arise from what happened today. He is back on the ventilator, though they are hoping to extubate him a little bit later and they are keeping an extremely close eye on him for the next 24 hours. They want to limit his stimulation and just keep him relaxed. 

Justin and I have never been so scared in our lives. I can't even begin to describe the raw emotions that we are still feeling.  It's a deeper heartbreak than I have ever felt before mixed with relief and elation that our son is still here with us, fighting CHD and its entirety. 


  1. Our lil fighting Tiger, so hard to put into words how blessed we are for each n every day the strength God has given you! Colston has not only God in his corner but also two Very Special people called Mommy n Daddy ! We Love U 3! Xoxox

    1. And a whole lot of family n friends who love all you guys in his corner too...!!!

  2. Oh my goodness!! I'm sooo sorry! That had to be the scariest thing ever. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
