Monday, February 8, 2016

Colston was doing great up until last night. 

I had fed him about three ounces and he started throwing up again. Poor guy had it come out his nose and everything. 

The nurse think that he ate too fast. He hasn't wanted to eat since and they have put him on IV fluids so he doesn't dehydrate. 

He was supposed to get his chest tube out this morning and after some consultation with the doctors, they are taking it out around 4:30 tonight. 

After that, all we have left is to master feeding again.

They are putting a feeding tube in so that whatever he doesn't take by bottle will be put through that. This is our last step before we can go home.

It is so amazing to me comparing last time to this time. Last time, four days post surgery he was back on the ventilator for the second time. Now, we're talking about going home. 

It really helps keep things in perspective. Even though it is frustrating that Colston won't take a bottle right now, we are still miles and miles ahead of the game. The doctors are highly impressed with how well he is doing. His oxygen saturation levels are in the 90's which is phenomenal, his blood pressure is great, and he is off all medications except the lasix and aspirin which he has been on since the first surgery. 

Still slowly just chugging along :)

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