Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We're Having A Baby Tomorrow!


It is so insane to think that in less than 24 hours Colston will enter this big ol' world. We are so excited to meet him and see his sweet little face. 

We had our last doctors appointment this morning and Colston is approximately 5 pounds 4 ounces!!

He's still measuring small for 37 weeks but we are so ecstatic at how much weight he has gained. To us, hitting five pounds is a huge deal! The bigger he is, the less chance he has of being on a ventilator and even if he does have to go on one, it wont be for nearly as long. He's been having the hiccups like crazy the last two weeks which is good, because that means he has been busy practicing breathing.  We gotta get those lungs strong! 

We still are just at the very beginning of this road. Just when Justin and I have learned how to deal with a high risk pregnancy, we now have to learn how to parent a medically fragile infant. We have to accept that he is going to hit his mile stones a little later then other babies do. We have to learn which medicines do what, what time to administer them and how. We have to learn what signs to look for and what hue of "blue" is still within a normal range.  We have to keep an eye on his oxygen levels. We can't let him just "cry it out" like a normal baby because, well, he isn't a normal baby. 

It's going to be a lot to handle but we know that Colston was given to us for a reason. We were chosen to be this little man's parents. He has already taught us so much about ourselves. He has already taught us that as cliche as it is, it's really the little things in life that matter.  

We have been contacted by some people back home and there are going to be a couple fundraisers to help Colston and his medical bills.  Justin and I can not even begin to express how blessed and thankful we are to the community and everyone that wants to help our son. It warms our heart to know how loved he is already.  

We can only hope to pay it forward one day.

1 comment:

  1. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! Aunty has presents for you little man so come home soon!!! :D You guys are going to do great. We are praying all goes smoothly and you shed tears of great joy and relief. He is a special little man doing just what God intended him to do, to reach others and shine light into their lives <3
