Friday, June 12, 2015

He's coming early!

Justin and I had an appointment in Las Vegas yesterday to meet with the doctor that will be delivering Colston and the surgeon that will be doing his open heart procedures. They were both very nice and informative and we are so blessed to be in such good hands. 

Dr. Wold, the doctor that will be bringing our little man into this world, informed us that Colston is a small baby. We told him we've known this for a while and that we've always been told he was measuring about a week behind but that it was nothing to be concerned about. 

Until now. 

Colston is now measuring about two weeks behind and only weighs three pounds, they are concerned he won't gain much more weight before birth. Normally, babies with severe heart conditions like Colston's need to be kept baking inside mama as long as possible. It's simple math, the bigger the baby-the better to do surgery. From what it's looking like right now, Colston is not going to be big enough or strong enough for a natural birth, let alone for the first open heart surgery.  Dr. Wold believes that a a natural birth will put too much stress on Colston and his heart. He also believes that the longer he is in the womb and not growing, the greater the chances are for still birth, thus the need for a C-section.  

Colston will be here in just four short weeks. We are so excited we get to meet him sooner but are still beyond terrified at what he has to go through. Dr. Wold won't let me go past 37 weeks which puts us at July 17 as the latest date he will be here. We will have an official date scheduled soon.

Since Colston most likely won't be big enough for the Norwood procedure (the first of the three open heart procedures), he will have a "temporary" heart procedure, also known as the Hybrid procedure, done after birth to sustain his heart until he is strong enough to do the Norwood. He will have a couple different shunts put in to help with blood flow and keep the valves open. It all depends on Colston how long that will be. 

In the mean time, I will be trying like crazy to fatten him up and make him into a little butterball!  

Thank you everyone for the continued prayers. It means more than you know. 


  1. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
    - John 14:27

  2. Thanks for the update!!! we are continually praying <3 love you guys!
